Feedback welcome

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Trying Not To Offend Anyone

My PC crashed last week so I have been out of communication with the online world more than usual. I had to go down and crank up my "B" system which has no Ethernet port, so I have been condemned to the Total Hell of 56K dial-up these past few days. I reminded me why I harbor a deep hatred for pre-broadband AOL.

I have taken a few days off from work, so I have not even been able to sneak a peek at my inbox at the office. It kind of humbles you, being forced to use an archaic dial-up connection. Now I can empathize with people who live in the third world.

I trust my faithful fans have endured the holidays without undue strife or disappointment. Note that I eschew the usual seasonal greetings because I do not wish to offend anyone. It seems that this year people have become more sensitive to the assumed underlying sentiment when someone offers a general "Merry Christmas" as a greeting.
I gotta admit it: Wishing Merry Christmas to a non-Christian does seem a bit like wishing others a happy birthday when it is your birthday.
True Christians are offended if you offer a generic greeting 'Happy Holidays' because it clearly means that you hate Jesus.

You cannot win. Everyone is offended by something. So the hell with it.

I didn't even write a Holiday Newsletter this year because I didn't want to offend anyone. Some people are not as blessed as I, and reading about what a great year I had, and how wonderful and successful my children have become, well, it might make others feel envious.
That would be unseemly of me.