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The Fall of Humanities

My thoughts on the public debate about the value of a liberal arts education

Student interest in the humanities — which include the classics, literature, languages, history, philosophy, and religion — has dropped dramatically in recent years. Only 8 percent of American undergraduates majored in a humanities field in 2007, compared with 17 percent in 1966, according to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Competition being what it is, many parents have pushed their children towards STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and math)  -- fields of study that are perceived to be most valued as careers.  21% of today's college students are pursuing a degree in business. Let's hope there are jobs for all of them.

I wish colleges could teach future managers how not to be a dick, but where would you even find people who could teach such a course?   

One caller to a talk show the other day summed up the elitist attitude of some technically educated  people: "Let's face it, Engineers are responsible for creating most of the wealth since they design and build the products.  All other disciplines are peripheral."

Hmmn I thought to myself, "Maybe so, but it takes an English major to tell consumers how to use the foolish thing."