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The Zen of Grill Assembly

"How hard can it be?" may seem at first like a Buddhist koan, and I know from experience that the gods who like to smack down the dreams of prideful mortals  often have a way of answering that query with a resounding "very."

Still, you think to yourself, they sell millions of gas grills online and other people seem to be able put them together, it must be easy enough that  a guy of average intelligence and pluck can be successful.
Well, I was right about that.   But first lets recap.

I had decided on the Weber 3 burner Spirit E-310
I bought it online at Home Depot for $499 plus tax, free shipping.

I figured it would be a challenge; but, what the hell, I have plenty of time.  It might even be fun.

When it arrived via UPS, I apologized to the driver as she wrangled the large (135 lb)  box off the truck onto a two wheeler.  I unpacked the parts and instructions and set everything out on the screen porch.  

Because I always read the manual first, the next thing I did was to read the manual.

The tool list was simple, but I added an essential item that the engineers had omitted: a beer bottle opener.

I was impressed with the clarity of instructions and the organized and labelled packets of screws and washers.  All the parts needed to assemble the "A" process were in a bag labelled "A"

Letsee now, 

The instructions were mostly graphic illustrations, probably designed for verbally challenged individuals.  What about those of us that are graphically challenged?

Starting to look like a grill
After a while, things start to take shape.  I am impressed with the solid engineering. I still need to get it outside, so I save the cover and grills for last so it will be easier to take down the step to the patio.

Ready to take outside to add heavy parts
Ta Da!

Honey, get the steaks out!
So it took a few hours, but I am very pleased with the results.  If I can do it, so can you!

Simple Rules
1. Read the manual.
2. Get the right tools.
3. Have at least 2 beers in fridge, preferably a six-pack.
4. Put the mother together
5 Grill something.


Seasonal Thoughts


Today is typical of the interval
the period between summer and winter
In the northeast
Sun slanting from the south
Illuminating falling pine needles 
Cloudless blue and gusty skies 
Rattling shoals of maple leaves that can't
 make up their minds which way to scatter
Now swirling down the driveway 
and then darting up the street
a school of fish fleeing a predator

I survey the remains of the garden:
The recent rains and winds have
bent the stalks of tall marigolds into submission,
orange and yellow blossoms shriveled and dead in the slanted sun
Frost blackened stems of basil beg to be pulled-up and
thrown on the heap  

My gaze turns to that brown patch of earth
looking like  a newly dug grave  
because of some unknown rot
that turned the fruits gray and mooshy
I had to yank the tomato vines last week
in frustration and throw them in the trash 
-- not the compost heap so as not 
to contaminate next year's crop

I sit for a long time on the teak bench,
unwarmed by the weak sun
Hoping to gather the  strength
 to face another winter
How many has it been? How many yet to be?

I try to envision another hopeful spring
but the image is blurry and lacking in color.