Feedback welcome

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The Way I saw It

During the debate tonight Obama beat the snot out of McCain. McCain was like a little girl - not able to look Obama in the eye, how can he claim that he looked Putin in the eye? Or that he would face up to other world leaders?

Obama seemed presidential. He clarified every accusation despite the feeble attempts by McCain to continue to distort and mischaracterise his position.

Neither of them addressed the current fiscal crisis in any meaningful way that would invite a voter to think that they had a real handle on the situation. This is indeed distressing. Where is Ross Perot when you need him with his charts and graphs?

McCain failed to make a convincing case for his tax cuts to people making more than 250,000 per year nor did he address Obama's stilleto puncture of the Business Tax rate loophole balloon. On the other hand Obama did not provide any mathmatical support to tell us where all the money would come from to support his programs.

McCain's point about South Koreans being an average of 3" taller than North Koreans made about as much sense as Obama trotting-out his Kenyan roots and the diminished capacity of the USA to attract immigrants. Maybe I was dozing off and missed those points.


Beyond Stupid

Anyone who thinks the "lipstick slur" was anything other than a fiendishly funny line, needs to get their panties out of their wedge and have their sense of humor recharged.
You probably laughed when Sarah sneered about Obama's experience as a community organizer with no responsibilities, which was very offensive to many of the Republican community organizers out there. Wait a minute. Oh lordy, never mind. I've just been informed that there are Zero Republican community organizers out there. Whew!

For those who still don't get it, Why would calling her a pig make sense?

That would be stupider than asking the guy in the wheelchair to stand up and take a bow...

Someone was right when they said things are getting "beyond stupid."


Geena Davis Where are You?

Well McCain's new VP nominee is a babe. And someday I think she could be a real contender: she has guts, ethical chops, apparent leadership abilities and she is wonderfully photogenic. I hate her Midwestern schoolmarm voice and her Fargo accent, but she may overcome these annoyances, someday.

This year, McCain needs someone who can step into the job... just in case.

Lets face it, if you were running a dead pool on the nominees, McCain would be everyone's favorite as the candidate most likely to kick the bucket...

After all his gasbagging about experience and readiness to lead, I think McCain 'crapped the rug' with this pick. Apparently, he could not find one honest, experienced republican who he thought was ready to step into the oval office, who was not corrupt or unfaithful to his spouse...

Yes Ms Palin has executive experience - as mother of 5 and 2 years as Gov. (Just like George W. Bush who was Gov. of Texas -Lord knows that experience proved invaluable in the ruination of our economy and world standing during the past 8 yrs.)

A few years ago we watched and enjoyed a TV program called "Commander in Chief" starring Geena Davis as the "token" woman VP who was sworn in when the President unexpectedly dies. The new Commander did pretty well in that role, despite being considered a lightweight by all her detractors.

Let us hope that life does not imitate art, this time.