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VP Debate -- Who Won?

For 90 minutes last night Kamala Harris and Mike Pence did a stunning job of NOT answering the thoughtful questions posed by the moderator, USA journalist Susan Page.   Clearly, both candidates had been coached intensely and they were well prepared with the points they wanted to make.  

That Pence is adept at ducking questions was not surprising , but I expected more from Kamala - who was impressively on-point at the nominating debates.   

I only lasted 20 minutes before I had to leave the room, frustrated with  both candidates for boringly reiterating well worn accusations and talking points.    When asked what discussions she had had with Biden about succession, Harris gave us an autobiographical review --proudly noting  that she was the first woman of color to accomplish her accomplishments. (Ho-hum).  The most interesting thing about Pence apparently was a fly that was trying to lay eggs on his head.  (I did not see that live, because I was already playing Words With Friends on the computer with other bored escapees.)

I'm pretty sure nobody changed their minds, same as the Presidential debate  shouting match.  So the winner of the debate  IMHO was probably Pence, because I predicted that she would eat his lunch.  In the end he still had his baloney sandwich intact. If you are a progressive you probably thought Kamala won because she repeated all the stuff you wanted to hear.

It really doesn't matter, anyhow, since I have already voted, and dropped off the ballots at the Town Hall collection box.  You?




Quo Vadimus?

The other day I had a discussion with an old High School classmate, who supports Trump's re-election. He dreads the thought of another liberal democrat in the White House.  He frames the contest as a fundamental choice between socialism (Biden-Harris) and capitalism (Trump and the other guy.)

 I said that it is more likely that we are heading towards Autocracy rather than Capitalism if Trump gets re-elected. He shows all the signs of a budding dictator:

  • Raising the specter that he might not consider the election as legitimate (if he loses),
  • rallying his followers to vague action, 
  • making up stuff about ballots tossed in rivers  
  • stoking fear that cities will burn if Biden is elected.  
  • Repeating Nationalist propaganda pretending to be patriotism.
  • Blaming immigrants and foreign powers for all ills. 
  • Dumbing down the message to the least educated and most impressionable segment of society.
  • Discrediting the Press if they print any criticism.  
  • Being cozy with Hate groups.  
  • Purging from the government positions anyone who might provide real  oversight and transparency.  
  • Spreading misinformation and lies.  

When  Joe Biden gets elected president, the economy will be as strong as ever.  Kamala is not  AOC.  Joe is not Bernie.  I would agree that  there is a trope towards social democracy similar to some countries in western Europe. but that's not the end of the world as far as I'm concerned.  Universal health care is not an evil goal.  Affordable education seems like a good idea.   There is no plan to raise taxes on anyone earning less than $400K per year.    Canada has universal health care and free college tuition.  They seem to have a thriving economy.

When people like Trump and Jeff Bezos,  and big profitable corporations can get away not paying any taxes there's something wrong with unrestrained Capitalism.   We are  already dangerously close to being an Oligarchy -- with the real strings of power being pulled by obscenely rich patrons of politicians.  

I prefer to think that America can help people who are less fortunate and without compromising anyone's ability to become financially successful, and I believe that will continue.  I don't know of any  popular push to totally eliminate wealth.  Moderate Liberals just want to have the wealthy pay more than they do now.   Don't forget,  they used to have a very high tax on wealth during the Go-Go years of the fifties, sixties and seventies and  this high earner tax rate in 1980 was 70% .  Those higher rates  didn't eliminate wealth and I don't think it will in the future. 

So the election is not about Capitalism vs Socialism; rather it is about Democracy vs Autocracy.