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Zoo Etiquette

"Never Taunt a Tiger" --- Dead Kid at San Francisco Zoo

In the news today, one of the survivors of the tiger attack in San Francisco Zoo has now admitted that he and two others had been drunk and disorderly, standing on the fence, taunting the tiger that killed one of them.

They apparently never read the gripping story "The Tiger's Revenge" by Claude Balls.

I am not alone in my sense that it was a tragic loss of an innocent life because the police shot and killed the tiger.


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This is not a political blog, but as I am not currently working , I do not have some hideous Hellhole or clueless, ego-driven management to rail about, I yield to the countless fans who have e-mailed me with requests to discuss my viewpoint on the current political scene. (Oh, and thanks to both of you for writing).

So, if you are not interested in yet another boring narrative, please skip this post.

I have not decided on my choice for President yet. I could vote for Obama if he promises to appoint Oprah as his UN Ambassador :-) . Maya Angelou has come out in favor of Hillary, which is another nail in the Clinton coffin, as far as I am concerned. I used to think Hillary was smart and competent, but the more I hear of her talking about experience, I am forced to ask myself, "What experience? What was accomplished?" Obama, same question. I would not vote for Edwards for dog catcher. I see him as another oily professional Pol who would sell his grandmother to get ahead. Besides, if he is right, the special interests will ruin him in an election, painting him as a philandering ambulance chaser

On the other side, I'm leaning toward Mitt. I am a pretty active flip-flopper myself, so it doesn't bother me that he has made a few adjustments in the way he thinks about some of the so-called core issues. Consistency is less important than thought process. (Consistency means being just as ignorant as you were last year). I think Mitt has the credentials to do the job, and dammit he looks and sounds like a President. Rudy Giuliani could get my vote too. I think he has the most experience of anyone running. McCain has too much baggage; he seems too old, and too compromised by his years as a Pol. (I did vote for him in the 2000 Primary, but back then, the competition was weaker).

As far as the debates are concerned, I am boycotting both of tonight's scheduled presentations, not that anyone will notice. My reasons for not watching are threefold: 1) I have already seen enough of the mainstream candidates. I know what they think about everything. 2) I decry the involuntary elimination of the Libertarian voices on both sides. Without the ideas expressed by these guys (Kucinich on the Dem side and Ron Paul on the GOP side) we get nothing interesting or new. For example, I want to hear Mitt and Rudy argue against Ron Paul's call to bring all our troops home from foreign bases. 3) One of my new years resolutions is to re-arrange my sock drawer. I think that will be more stimulating than listening to the mass-debators.


Iowa? So What?

You cannot turn on your TV or radio without hearing the blather about the Iowa caucuses. Who, other than Iowans, gives a crap about what they think?

How many delegates to the party conventions were gained by the winners? Hmmn.
I think this is another example of the media masturbating and making us watch.

Nothing has been decided. The finish line is quite a way down the road.

Why did Dodd and Biden quit? It is bothersome that these guys waited until the poll of a meaningless gathering of farmers (who were never going to vote for either one anyhow) to decide their viability.

Go ahead, call me a dumbass. But I don't get it.


The Truth about your phone

Ok now I'm really becoming disillusioned. Like most everyone, I have spent the past 60 odd years since I learned to read, believing that Alexander Graham Bell was the inventer of the telephone. There must be a dozen biographies and virtually every schoolboy history book that relate the story of how he called Mr Watson to come and help him using his new invention.

Now it seems this historical fact Americana must be tossed into the dumpster labeled FRAUDs. The latest story is that he copied someone else's design. See the story.

Bell is credited with saying " Before anything else, preparation is the key to success. " Who knew that what he really meant was "Steal the other guy's idea and beat him to the patent office and you will be rich!"

This is sad, because it reminds us that it is almost impossible for us to know the truth about anything. Those who feel secure that they know what happened in the past are kidding themselves.

The recent assassination of Mrs Bhutto is a case in point. Thousands of people were there. Camera's were rolling. Bang bang booom! Nearly a week later, we still do not know for sure whether she died of Bullets, bomb blast, head trauma from bumping into the moon-roof latch or heart attack.

Just as surely as there are doubts about whether we actually landed on the moon, or whether the government is hiding the truth about September 11th, and on and on; it seems we can never take any "fact" at face value.

Next thing we'll be hearing is that Al Gore didn't invent "Global Warming"