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A few thoughts about Conservatives vs Progressives

Conservatives vs Progressives

Penchant for name calling.
Likes simple explanations.
Easily swayed by lies & right wing memes.
Mis-informed and doesn't care, devoid of empathy for others.
Afraid of camels noses and slippery slopes
Watches Fox for information and MSNBC to find out what the evil left is thinking.
Believes abortion is murder when strangers do it.
Thinks of the 2nd amendment as a gun permit
Never sacrificed anyone or anything.  Wants others to fight for American eminence.
Justifies cheating because "everyone is cheating"
Refuses to believe in "Global warming"


Respects other views, except Conservatives who are evil.
Able to see complex causes for current crises, questions absolutes.
Is skeptical about biased sources, but believes NYT
Often the smartest person in the room. Empathetic but intolerant of idiots who disagree.
Likes skiing and camel riding
Watches you tube reruns of Daily Show and SNL
Values the sanctity of all sentient life. Believes life starts with a breath.
Wants to limit access to people-killing devices by nutjobs.
Served in Military when country needed him. Hates war.
Believes that all cheating is wrong, feels guilty about underpayment of taxes.
Doesn't need a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowin'