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A Few Thoughts About The Flag

One of the issues that is roiling on the opinion pages of newspapers recently is Flag- burning.  There have been a few incidents since the election where some knuckleheads have set fire to Old Glory in protest to the results of the election.  Kind of a mixed message when you burn the symbol of democracy and freedom because the election didn't go your way.  Seems like a childish and unthoughtful expression for a US citizen.  Like burning a picture of your mother because you grew up with an ugly nose.

Trump could not resist tweeting: "Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag — if they do, there must be consequences — perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!" 

I believe one's opinion holds weight commensurate with the sacrifice one has made.   As a non-combat veteran, I  will yield to the strong feelings of any vet who fought and bled under the banner of the stars and stripes.

My own 2 cents about flag burning:  I vigorously disapprove of it, but I agree with the Supreme Court decision that protects freedom of speech.  (They have ruled that the Constitution protects your right to burn your own flag.  Not my flag or one owned by the government.)

I think flag-burners should be treated like any case of arson with regard to property ownership, damage and safety of the public.

I was proud to serve my country under the banner and will always respect the flag as a symbol of the ideals we share as patriots: Freedom, equality, justice.

But it's a symbol, not a sacred object.

I have to admit that I am not a purist on this issue.  I  recognize the valid feelings of those who are offended by certain odious expressions of free speech (Neo-nazi parades, disrupting funerals or other solemn occasion).  

I would suggest that a specific misdemeanor should apply to cases of "Justified Assault" - when someone is being so offensive that you just have to punch them in the mouth.  This offense should be punished by a slap on the wrist and an admonition not to do it again (wink, wink)