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Cacophonous Effusions

I really don't want this to turn into a political blog, but I have been distracted from my mission (to examine the meaning of work in our lives) by events that cannot be ignored. A faithful reader has written an e-mail actually complimenting me on the previous entry. This is seductively encouraging for a writer. Lucky for the rest of you that I shot my wad on that piece so now I must go back to reading the paper for ideas.

I enjoyed this Opinion column by Joseph Epstein in the WSJ today .
Mr Epstein has the perfect way of keeping sane - trying to find literary parallels while trying to make sense of the sound and the fury of the political campaign. I hope he won't mind if I quote a few lines, (since you probably are to lazy to click on the link and actually read it without a tease).

"So enraptured have I become by the political morality play of the Democratic primaries that, with much shame, I have returned to watching the McLaughlin Group on PBS on Saturday nights. This shameful recidivism has occurred after a rigidly self-imposed, three-year absence from the cacophonous effusions of Eleanor Clift, Pat Buchanan, Mort Zuckerman and the rest.

"The barking of these dogs as the caravan passes should be beneath a man who prefers to think himself cultivated. What do I care what they think, especially when I already know what they think? Like so many of the punditi of our day, they are all, as E. M. Forster termed it in his "Aspects of the Novel," "flat characters," by which he meant characters utterly predictable in their opinions, behavior, character – characters from whom one should expect no surprises. "

I wish I'd said that.


No Country for Old Men

Why is every primary hyped by the media as "crucial"? Does anyone really think that the Indiana popularity contest between Obama and Clinton will settle anything?
The answer, of course, is: No.

The media creates issues to keep us interested, but, personally, I am zoning-out, the way you do when you have heard a radio commercial 100 times.

The conservative radio talk show guys are predictable and devious. They keep up their anti-Obama rants, hoping that Clinton will pull-off the nomination. They don't want to run against the Obama phenomena. They believe that Republicrat McCain - can beat Hillary in the general election.
Conservatives fear that Obama is "too liberal." Somehow, he will imperially decide to turn us all into godless communists or worse - to cancel the Bush tax cuts!

Maybe they are afraid that he is inclined to nominate Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton to the supreme court. Maybe Oprah as his Secretary of State. Mya Angelou as Poet Laureate and head of the CIA. Issue a presidential decree to guarantee reparations to all descendants of slaves... scary stuff, indeed.

This deeply rooted fear of the unknown scares the bejesus out of them. The TV guys keep running old clips of the pro-black pastor, as if he was running for office. Fact is, all three are unknowns: senators who don't have real jobs and who have never run anything.

The problem for the anti Obama republicans, is that they have a candidate who is said to be a nice guy (when he is not flying in a PTS rage), but who really cannot be counted upon to stick to any platform or agenda. Once a formidable man (who I voted for during the 2000 primaries), he is helpless without cue-cards and handlers these days. Watch him is one on one interviews, he is like a robot. He is being handled and managed by a team of lobbyists who make the trilateral commission look like a comic book invention. He gives me no confidence as a leader.

Undoubtedly, McCain will be swift-boated (remember the Keating 5?), skewered and battered. The Democrat nominee will destroy him in free for all debates. By the time we get to November, I think he would lose to either Hillary or Barak.

The presidency may be a power trip, but it sucks the life out of those who serve. Compare the pictures of past presidents on inauguration day and then a few years later, if you don't believe me.

At age 72, this guy is just too old and tired to be up to the job. John, we salute you for your service. Now it is time to get thee to the beach and stay there.

The only chance for Repubs to win in November is to have McCain bow-out for health reasons and for him to hand the torch to Romney.


Let Them Eat Cake

It seems like I am not the only one who hates their air travel experience. Yesterday, the "news" was about how the dissatisfaction levels with air travelers as measured by complaints received by the FAA (not just random blog rants) had increased 60% over the previous year. Lost/pilfered bags, cramped seats, long lines, unconscionable delays were among the top complaints.

Three airlines went bankrupt last week.

Today, I'm reading about 9 skycaps who sued American Airlines at Logan airport to recover tips that the airline kept illegally. The skycaps - who are paid a sub-minimum wage of less than $6 because they are normally tipped - won their suit.

I mention this because this is one example of what is wrong with American business leadership. During the period when American Airlines is gouging the customer for $2 per bag, (which diminished the tips that the skycaps had enjoyed) the executives were pocketing that money in the form of multimillion dollar bonuses. This happened at the same time all AA employees were taking pay cuts. The executives were virtually stealing the money from the lowest paid employees and egregiously rewarding themselves.

It will be interesting to see how big the executive parachutes at the bankrupt airlines are... I'll bet none of them are standing in line for unemployment checks.

This is the same attitude that got the French aristocracy a free ticket to the Guillotine Express.


Not April Fools

I hope you aren't expecting some lamo April Fool's joke entry today. Honestly, I think I'm getting too old and cranky for that sort of silliness. Too bad, I used to be a sketch.

We have returned from our glorious Hawaiian adventures. I always wanted to be one of those guys who you see in the airport at the arrival gate sporting a deep tan, wearing an Aloha shirt, shorts and sandals and a woven straw hat. But, noting the fact that I am still exceptionally pale, I decided that a travel ensemble of real shoes, socks, long pants and a muted colored shirt would look less goofy. I managed to elude autograph hounds and paparazzi.

Even with on-line check-in, it requires at least 15-20 hours of your life - waiting in the baggage check line, the security check line, at the departure gate, the line to get your seat, sitting while everyone boards, waiting for take-off, and then sitting cramped like a sardine for the 5 hour trip to LAX, then the waiting during the layover before boarding the crowded cramped 6 hour flight to Boston.

Everything about flying in coach is beyond suck. The airlines could care less if you are comfortable, or even happy. If you don't like it, maybe you should upgrade next time. If not, then tough darts. Someone else will be glad to take your place If you don't buy that cramped little seat with the blaring loudspeaker overhead and the reading light that doesn't work, and neither does the tray table...if fact the only thing that seems to work is the guy in front of you can recline his seat back to where you can stare at his bald spot...which you can see much better than the jumpy video of the in-flight movie - a remake of Bambi with claymation figures.

I'll bet none of those highly paid Airline execs has ever sat in coach on a four hour flight. Clearly, everything on the airplane is designed for people who are only 4 feet tall. No one could seriously expect real adults to fit in those tiny bathrooms. Every time you begin to dose off, some inane sadist interrupts you with a dumb message about some notable point of interest down on the ground which only a few people who are at the window seats on one side of the aircraft can see anyway.

What? You want food? Get your own! Earphones - Bring your own! Fresh air? Ha ha ha. They laugh at you.

It is hell, I tell you. Roasting for eternity in a fiery pit cannot be less pleasant than riding in coach in a modern aircraft. Except real Hell is forever, instead of only 15-20 hours.

Please do not tell me to "...just get over it, it is the price you have to pay to get somewhere." I say it is inhuman treatment and there ought to be a law against it.

Aside from the lack of bon in the voyage, we had a great vacation. More about which soon.