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Truth Seeking in the Land of Ideology

 I have frequently (and rather pompously) declared myself to be a Seeker Of Truth.   I emphasize that title with capital letters because I regard seeking the truth to be every bit as noble as other appellations such as, Chaplain, Professor, Doctor, Senator or even Dump Manager. (I claim solidarity with all workers in the profession of Waste Management, as we suffer similar scorn by society: our work is vital, yet society does not regard it as nice. But, someone needs to do it.)

Truth Seeking is scorned by true-believers.  The pursuit of Truth requires an  objective evaluation of facts.  This is impossible for one who is invested deeply in an ideology, which by definition is a system of doctrines based on beliefs.    It seems many TB's feel the need to loudly proclaim their moral superiority.  I regard this impulse as equivalent to whistling in the dark.  TB's almost always express fear - fear of  eternal punishment, fear of dangerous slippery slopes,  Socialism, terrorism, strangers, change, loss of traditional values, etc.
Debating with someone under the sway of ideology is futile, especially if you are invested in a competing set of doctrines. This is one of the reasons that dinner parties are less interesting these days.  Conversation has devolved to an assertion of beliefs rather than an exchange of honest information.  Listening once meant trying to keep an open mind, but no one listens anymore, except to listen for opportunities to hijack the discussion. (When not talking, the ideologue suffers the lame and inaccurate assertions of others, waiting for the critical  pause and then launches a nuanced verbal attack.)  No one seems to change their minds about anything.

It seems that when you become a TB and you decide what you truly believe in – whether it is Global Warming, Illegal Immigration, Progressive Taxation or Abortion (just to name a few) – you unshakably  believe only those assertions of fact that agree with your baseline position.  All other “facts” are suspect.  You question their validity because of the alleged bias of person who utters them, or the junk science that discovered them, on and on.  Faced with incontrovertible evidence, you will still find a way to stick to your root beliefs.  The shrinks have a name for it they call it "Cognitive dissonance".

In conversations with others, I have often been scoffed at as a fuzzy thinking fence sitter, a flip-flopper and probably worse.  My interlocutors must have felt it is an intellectual defect not to have a bear-hug on  a firmly-held conviction.  To me, it seems nearly impossible to find the Truth in the haystack of factoids, rumors and disinformation.    

I have never claimed to be the smartest guy in the room (except when I am alone with the cats)  but I privately (perhaps pompously) considered myself intellectually superior to smarter guys who did not realize that no issue is completely black or white. There are at least two sides to every issue. There are no absolute truths. 
Right wingers will use the 5th Commandment of the Christian Bible to argue that killing is wrong, but they only mean it in the context of abortion.  These same believers will giddily approve the use of tax money to subsidize the production of weapons of mass destruction because it creates jobs.  But, where is that fine print in the Bible that allows situational exceptions to the injunction against killing?

Left wingers would like to remove all vestiges of human tribal inclination.  We are the world, they claim.  All resources belong to all men equally.  They would demolish state boundaries and distribute the wealth to everyone.  Yet without the competitive spirit of Capitalism there would be no wealth to distribute. 

These contradictions do not bother the True Believer.

Things are getting worse for Truth Seekers.  Negative political ads are nothing new, but recently the tack seems to have taken the direction towards the "low road."   There was a time when a smear ad would exaggerate the opponent's position, or take a quote out of context.  But the recent Romney TV ad deceptively shows Obama quoting a statement from the McCain campaign, as if it had been Obama's statement.
I think this is beneath contempt and would not consider voting for Mitt Romney unless he apologizes and fires the staff member(s) responsible for the ad.  Romney is more susceptible to negative ads than most polititians, since he can be honestly quoted to reveal his changeable positions.  True Believing conservatives already consider Mitt to be a shape-shifting, flip-flopping RINO (Republican in name only).   Now, he has alienated
Seekers of Truth.  


Competing Agendas

You have probably seen images of various cities where the Occupiers are brandishing signs "Sorry for the Inconvenience, We are trying to Change the World."    This is a weak attempt to diminish the rage many of the other 99% are feeling when the protests cause traffic gridlock,  making them late for work, or shut-down their workplace, or ruin their plans for a day in the city.
Don't shoot the messenger shoot the bankers!

The arrogant attitude of the Occupiers is clear:  OUR AGENDA is more important than your agenda.  If you don't want the world to be changed, then, you are wrong.  If you think it is a crime to block traffic and interfere with other people's rights, then you are the enemy.

Think about it:  this is pretty much the same rationale embraced by terrorists, who believe that THEIR AGENDA trumps your right to not be blown to smithereens just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

It is only a few bus stops on the same trolly line from Occupy to Suicide-Bomber.  It is only a matter of the degree of chaos you are willing to inflict on the innocent bystander.  The mentality is the same:  We are so right that we claim the authority to override your rights. Another parallel to terrorism: The targets of the protest suffer the least, rather it is the innocent bystander who is most inconvenienced, or maimed.

Don't get me wrong.  I am not being critical of the message. Some of the points are well justified.  I just don't like the method.  We are still a free society and I don't believe that  trampling of other people's freedoms is justified by your agenda, however righteous.

On the other hand, I recognize that revolutions are messy, and I will not be surprised to see some political heads rolling.  Because terrorism has proven to be an effective way to get attention.


Thanks for Nothing

Well, here it is:  the day for  bloggers to publish smarmy, insincere lists counting their so-called blessings.  It would be too boring to list the stuff I feel lucky about, so here is my Thanks for Nothing List:

#1 Congressional Budget Super-committee.  These hand-picked representatives couldn't agree on any worthwhile proposal that would help reduce the deficit, create jobs, or improve confidence in the US economy. On the contrary, they helped drive stock market prices lower, by demonstrating the dysfunction of our leadership. This has a direct impact on my nest egg, which makes it personal.  Thanks alot - for nothing.

#2 Data Doctors.  I brought my computer in for service.  3 days later the PC is returned with new things wrong with it.  I am $150 poorer but am reluctant to bring it back, because these people clearly do not know what they are doing.  I notice the Natick store is now closed, why am I not surprised.  Thanks for nothing.

#3 The Mail Man who delivers soggy mail in wet weather.  Please, don't go out in the rain. sleet,  fog and snow.  I would rather have my mail un-delivered than having wet,  barely readable drenched envelopes -- even if the mail is mostly comprised of unsolicited marketing offers.By what logic do you think it is a service to stuff my mailbox with wet mail?  Holiday tip??  Hahahaha.  Thanks for nothing.

#4 Bank of America - you want to charge me to talk to a teller?  Most of them barely speak English.  I have moved my money to a less fee infested bank.  Also I sold all the stock that I paid $40 per share at $12 a share.  Last time I check it was $5 something.  Thanks for nothing.

#5 The guy who invented the leaf blower.  You should die a painful death and be condemned to the fiery pits for eternity. Thanks for inventing the loudest, most annoying consumer item ever.

#6 The Red Sox for a truly forgettable season.


The Court of Public Opinion

The news headline today shouts that Joe Paterno, football coach at Penn State since the Civil War, and the University President  - whose name no one knows -  were fired for their sins of ommission.  Even though the alleged perpetrator of the child abuse has not worked as Assistant Coach since 1999, these two have been found guilty because they did not call the police.  Hmm.  Makes you wonder what happened to the assumption of innocence.  Has the perp been to court yet?  How come the story is not about him?

Herman Cain is still denying that he ever acted  inappropriately with anyone.  If this is true then he probably deserves the nomination, since I would bet money that no one else who is running for political office can honestly  make such a statement.  Men in power are notorious for bad behavior.  For for a man who spends a lot of time on the road, whose job allows him a lavish expense account, the opportunities for mischeif are too great to be avoided.  It is difficult to believe that 4 (maybe more by the time you read this) women are making this stuff up.  Cain's denials will sink him; American votors will forgive their leaders for being sexually innapropriate, but they wont tolerate lying about it.

Just ask John Edwards.