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Ok, the fixit guy finally came and replaced the A/C condensor fan motor and capacitor.  Total: $452.00 (includes $250 for labor)  No senior discount.
It has been running an hour and the inside temp is a much more tolerable 73 degrees.  I'm exhausted.  Time for a nice cool nap.  So what if it's only 11am? 


Where is the A/C guy?

Ok. I wasted a day waiting for the guy  to come and fix it.  Apparently, my time is not worth an informational phone call to tell me that the fixer had found something more interesting to do.
What -  I look hot? Pissed?
No. I am a reasonable person, but I am surprised that a company that advertises that they provide a "service" would actually be a fornicator of innocent victims. 


Drought Conditions

OK, I will stop washing the car, filling the pool, watering the lawn and doing laundry.  Perhaps I will even skip a few showers.

But I will never stop making ice!


Crazy Weather

Yes, it is hot enough for me.  Thanks for asking, you dolt!

Here in metro west Boston, we have been having a prolonged heat wave.  After a very wet Spring, where we prayed for the rain to stop for chrissakes so we could bail-out the basement, we are now dusty parched and dry like old paper.  Yes, the dew points are subtropical,  but the moisture is locked-up in the tumescent air.  There is no relief inland from the torrid relentless, airless blasting sun.  And no thunderous cooling afternoon storms like we were getting a few weeks ago.  The other day we were 96 degrees and Ft Lauderdale was 76 degrees. 
Even beer cannot quench the thirst generated by the sultry arid afternoon sun.  It is time to switch to Gin.