I have recently finished re-reading Michael Crichton's State of Fear. The central action in the book is about a group of enviro-terrorists who go around fabricating fake catastrophic "events" to raise the level of fear about man-made global warming. I think Crichton makes an excellent case for those of us who are still skeptical about Al Gore's data - as proffered in "An Inconvenient Truth."
Published in 2004, the story is fictional, but the author did extensive research on the scientific reports and research data that was available at the time. The author -who died last year of apparently natural causes - warned about scientific consensus . Facts are facts, but consensus has almost always been proved wrong by improved observations.
You don't have to agree with all of the arguments made by characters in Crichton's book, but you might have trouble with some of the facts he cites. I do not wish to argue them here, because I think the bigger point that Crichton was making in the book was about the government-sponsored effort to keep the populace in a constant state of fear about things that individuals are helpless to control.
The objective of such a strategy is social control; it is easier to enforce rules which curtail liberties when the people are afraid. Especially if the demon is an unknown foreign power (like Russia or Iran for example) or the climate or even rogue asteroids.
The media thrives on fearful pronouncements and warnings, so do not expect them to dig into the alleged threats.
Now, to distract us from our deflated nest-eggs and the prospect of higher taxes, inflation and ineptitude in government, we have the prospect of swine flu pandemic. Not to worry - Uka Sam will help you. The check is in the mail. Maybe we should nuke Mexico?