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Is the NRA a Terrorist Organization?

What force or reason would impel a person to take a gun and deliberately shoot helpless young children?

I suppose if you are God-fearing the answer is simpler - we didn't pray enough, so God stood aside while  Evil caused the shooter to execute 26 innocent humans.   It's ironic to hear the survivors' parents thanking God that their child was spared.  How heartless that must sound to the relatives of the dead children that God did not protect.  

The secular among us cannot be consoled by the simplistic explanations by religion.  We don't believe that the  shooter will burn for eternity in hell (much as that would be comforting to us), nor do we imagine 26 angel wings rising to spend eternity in paradise.   It is pretty clear that the churches and temples of humans are empty and useless.  No one is there to hear the supplications, songs and glory.  Probably never has been.
Events like the shootings in Connecticut are proof that there is no divine intervention in the affairs of men.

It is pretty obvious that the deus ex machina allowing these mass killings is the access to weapons that are designed to shoot many rounds in a brief period of time.  Call them semi-automatic or assault weapons - it is the same concept.  These are not guns that are designed to shoot game or targets.  They are weapons of warfare.

We have a gun problem in this country.  The easy availability of guns and large quantities of ammunition is obviously a factor in the number of deaths. The idiotic interpretation of the 2nd amendment to the Constitution is that everyone is entitled to have guns period.  Even if the congress mean't that everyone should have a rifle, it is doubtful that they envisioned a weapons technology more complex that a single shot musket.     

Times have changed and so must the government's power to regulate weapons access in the name of public safety.  I would support a repeal of the second amendment.  I do not support a total ban on gun ownership.
Legitimate hunters and sportsmen would be licensed and permitted, but the weapons and ammo they could use would be highly controlled. Steel jacket, armor piercing, soft nose bullets, designed for killing people would be banned out side of military use. All semiautomatic pistols and rifles should be banned except for Military and Law Enforcement use.

Enforcement of such controls will not be popular with the gun-toting public.  But I do not see another way to stem the frequency and brutality of murderous/suicidal crazoids armed with a gun that they should not have had access to.    NRA fans have always been vigorously opposed to any restrictions on access to weapons less destructive than a bazooka.  With over 10,000 gun deaths in the USA last year, we should probably label the enabling NRA as a terrorist organization.


The Government Should be Dissolved

All this posturing and drama over the threat of a government shutdown is just plain silly.  Didn't voters think they were sending representatives to go down to Washington to keep things running, not to act like a bunch of schoolyard jerks arguing over who is more righteous.

The major parties are so polarized in their positions that they are unable to have a civil discussion. Call me cynical but it seems to me that the best explanation for this intransigence lies in the power of powerful lobbies that have pols in their pockets.  Money elects politicians, citizens are just convenient tools, easily manipulated.

Think about it, why doesn't any administration republican or democrat do something about eliminating poverty? Why are our troops in Iraq when we have drug cartels on the border running drugs and poisoning our citizens, ruining people's lives, fostering robberies, kidnapping and general mayhem in our country.
How come banker crooks are allowed to virtually steal  money in the form of exhorbitant fees using fine print instead of a gun..
We are headed towards the "Idiocracy" of Mike Judge's nightmare film.

While our leaders bicker over the tax rates of the top two percent of wage earners, the rest of the taxpayers are held hostage.