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Lazy Days

As I begin to pick the last of the tomatoes and clean out the clutter in the garden, I am still in the "looking for work" mode, although not with my usual furious intensity. The job scene is pretty quiet. I have made inquiries at all of the companies on the 100 best places to work list that are within a 15 minute commute (both of them). My skill set as a senior (ie, high paid) business systems analyst is not very much prized in an economy that is not authorizing new projects or ventures. I am not worried, though.

The general improvement in the stock market is evident in favorable 401K mutual fund statements that are showing marked improvements since March of this year. If no devastating event occurs to ruin the gains, we are pleased with this. It is further encouragement that things will get better. Business cycles happen. Employment is inevitible. So, I enjoy the leisure that the current status affords me for as long as the fates decree.

I was once leery of retirement, wondering "what would I do all day?" I have no such thoughts these days. There is precious little time in the day, and much to do. The biggest risk for me is not getting anything done, since it is so easy to defer tasks to tomorrow. I schedule most of my gotta-do's (things that require me to go out of the house, like food shopping and dump runs) for weekdays, when I have the least amount of competition from others (traffic congestion and lines). I putter around on the weekends, or we get in the car and go somewhere. We never have enough time for all the things we want to do and places we want to go. Not a bad life, except the fact that the grandkids are in Calif.

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