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Job Abandonment

Yesterday the temp was close to 65 degrees. The forecasted rain and clouds burnt off before noon and the outdoors yanked me from the house, made me take a long unhurried walk followed by some recreational raking up of fallen pine cones. The ground in the back yard is still too soggy to work on, but in front, where the drainage is better, I was able to loosen up some stiff muscles with the rake.

My friend George came by for high "tea" - as we call it. Actually, we finished off the remaining Harpoon Irish red ales. Poured into frosty glasses. Very Refreshing. We discussed the political scene. It was primary voting day here in Kerry's homestate (I voted unenthusiastically for Edwards - mainly as a protest to Senator Kerry, who had not shown-up for work until yesterday (to grand-stand for the ban against assault rifles).

I am annoyed by the spate of local politicians who run for office, get elected and then abandon their posts, because they are more interested in other jobs. ( eg, Gov. Weld, his successor Celluci, and recently - a state senator who quit to become a lesbian activist). How come these folks don't think their jobs are important enough to stay in? Job abandonment should be punished.

This morning there was a picture in the paper that showed a local voting place with a big sign that read "Vote Aqui" under the "Vote Here" lettering. You mean some of the voters don't speak the language???

It reminded me that we should tighten up our restrictions on voting in this country. You know, just establish a few common sense rules about who is allowed to vote: 1) Citizens only 2) Must read and understand English 3) Must be able to vote alone in booth. 4) No inmates or convicted felons. I would also abolish absentee ballots except for Military personnel. Also I would move Voting times to weekends, and while we're at it, let's hire living people to work at the polls. Looking at the death-warmed-over gang who run elections gives me the shivers.

Other than this, I have no strong feelings on the matter.

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