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Beyond Stupid

Anyone who thinks the "lipstick slur" was anything other than a fiendishly funny line, needs to get their panties out of their wedge and have their sense of humor recharged.
You probably laughed when Sarah sneered about Obama's experience as a community organizer with no responsibilities, which was very offensive to many of the Republican community organizers out there. Wait a minute. Oh lordy, never mind. I've just been informed that there are Zero Republican community organizers out there. Whew!

For those who still don't get it, Why would calling her a pig make sense?

That would be stupider than asking the guy in the wheelchair to stand up and take a bow...

Someone was right when they said things are getting "beyond stupid."

1 comment:

George W. Potts said...

There is a new organization called "Pigs for Palin". It's slogan is "Bring home the bacon." It's crest contains a hockey stick and a lipstick under the motto "Porcine Uber Alles".