Some people still stay up late watching TV on Saturday nights hoping to find a laugh or two. Last night on SNL, the opening skit depicted President Obama (Fred Armison) addressing those right wing critics who portray him as an arrogant power monger who is bent on leading the country down the path of Socialism and/or Fascism.
The Armison-Obama character tries to clarify, citing a list of un-fulfilled promises, demonstrating that he has actually had very little impact of the lives of Americans. Closed Gitmo? No. Out of Iraq? No. Health care Reform? Hell no. And so-on. The clip will be viral in the news this week so keep an eye-out.
It is a double-whammy joke because it depicts his critics as hand wringing slippery slope Jeremiahs - and Obama as just another do-nothing politician. Pretty good satire and irony in the same package.
For those who speak twitter, It was LOL funny, but not rolling on the floor funny (ROTFL).
And Obama promised to bring unemployment down to 7%. Accomplished? No -- closing in on 10%. But then again, if Obama has done nothing, why is our projected deficit off the charts (four times Bush's)?
Ha ha, Bush really had everything under control and Obama squandered the job and budget surplus he inherited. Good one, George. Humor will help you get through the next 7 years.
You're right. I was wrong. Obama's deficit this year will be more like five times George Bush's last year in office ... HA HA HA What a joke!
What is the big deal with the Deficit? We just need to raise the taxes wealthy people and it will go away. If they can afford luxury boats and multiple expensive home, don't poor people have a right to minimal health care?
I think than anyone with a net worth of over a million dollars should donate any overage to the indigent (or toward reducing the deficit.) In other words ... a confiscatory tax on capital. Yes? Maybe even a half a mill?
Ok, now you're going in the right direction. The tax should be levied on luxury items - like a second house. What right do people have to own more than one house when half the world's population lives in one room mud huts?
Like Obama's half brother?
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