On Vacation for a few days
Please check the archives if you need a Hellhole Fix, otherwise I should be back soon, tanned, relaxed and ready to resume my job here at the helm of the Hellhole Journal.
I'm feeling a need to rethink the raison d'etre for this blog. In the beginning, it was called Hellhole Update to chronical the experiences and learnings of a typical working guy - a victim of hierarchy and professional management that sought to stifle humor, creativity and above all else, dissent. The intention was to be entertaining more than informative.
Then, a few years ago, I retired, sort-of. Since I have been out of (Escaped...) the workforce, I've lost the passion about work topics. After all, how many different ways can you say that management is generally clueless, nasty, brutish and short?
In the past year I have drifted into political issues. There has been no dearth of events and points of view worthy of derision and mockery. Yet, I have become weary of politics. It is clear that no amount of discussion will alter anyone's position, and that is just a sad state of affairs, and not entertaining.
So it is. I have come to a journalistic crossroads, he wrote dramatically
I need a new topic.
Any Ideas?
Why don't you blog on the pleasures of kite surfing off the East Florida coast (around Palm Beach ... say out about 1/4 mile)?
I'll do that after you start blogging about your poisonous reptile training business.
(You are just torked-off because I cropped you out of the Little Compton beach photo).
Or perhaps you could blog about why global warming is happening. You know, glaciers melting, polar bears dying, and no snow anymore. (You could also get a big stipend from NOAA.)
You could also write a blog about aliens from outerspace who come to our planet to steal our seawater ... to be used as fuel for their space ships, etc. etc.
GWP is referring to a blog I wrote a few years ago from the viewpoint of an alien whose job was to figure-out why they should not destroy Earth. I deleted that blog years ago, but maybe I can remember some of the good pieces.
Hang around, maybe I am not done yet.
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