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Candidate Fatigue

I'm not like the others, honest!
It's election time around here again. I can tell by the number of harassing phone calls that we are getting from the candidates, now several times a day and we are still 3 weeks from the primary. 

One candidate says in his robocall "I really hate robocalls, but..."  I didn't hear the rest of his message because I hate robocalls even more than he does.  This same guy (who is running against an incumbent for state senate)  has come knocking on the door, sent at least 4 flyers in the US mail, and his minions have called here at least half a dozen times.  They have asked us to put a sign on our lawn and send money.  We have of course declined to fund our own harassment. 

No doubt, the candidate's advisers are telling him that he needs name recognition*.  And I admit that I was impressed last month when he spent the afternoon walking my neighborhood, knocking on doors to tell people about his candidacy.  I am inclined to vote against incumbents on general principles, so I assured him that I would seriously consider voting for him.  But, after the 6th phone call the other night, I find myself in the steely grip of anti-incumbent candidate fatigue. I am having serious doubts that this guy would behave any differently compared to the incumbent.  Maybe we don't need to waste more tax money breaking-in another novice pol and his advisers.

*Name withheld intentionally

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