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election aftermath

The results  from yesterday's election are in.   Congratulations if your candidate won.

Most of us voters are just glad that it is over.  Now we can eat dinner without the phone ringing with yet another robocall message.  We will have less unwanted junk mail in our snail mailboxes (we have already blocked the senders of unwanted email).
We can watch a favorite program on TV without being besieged at every commercial break with attack ads showing the evil tendencies of the opponent.

Honestly, by the end of the election season, we have heard so much negative information (half-truths, innuendos, outright distortions) about every candidate that we don't want to vote for anyone.

Anyone with common sense realizes that the amount of money being spent in politics has effectively made a mockery out of the fundamental belief that you get the government that you (the majority) vote for.

I thought the Daily Show bit summarized it nicely:  click here for clip

I saw an interesting  video clip the other day, but can't find it at the moment.  It presented an argument that because of the influence of money, 10-12% of the richest people actually decide who gets nominated (funded), and subsequently who gets the most positive coverage -- resulting in election.  The little people get virtually no say in who runs the country.

Voting is merely a "feel-good" activity to give us the illusion that we have the government elected by the majority.  In reality it is just the opposite.

Pardon me if I sound cynical or pessimistic as I contemplate what the elections will accomplish.
But, I am not anticipating any of the major problems we face to be solved by the election of new rascals.   History has shown that money corrupts, and elected officials who were bought and paid for are not going to slap the hand that feeds.

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