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National Poetry Month - Illusions of Certainty

Illusions of Certainty

You are doomed
You drivers of gas guzzling SUVs
who do not recycle
and your vaccinated children
drinking flouride-treated water.

Doomed, I tell you.

You zealots who evangelize,
you priests of the afterlife,
sowing fruitless seeds of eternal promise,
empty promises echoing like empty drums,
you who kill to the glory of your god --
especially you.

And also,
deniers, believers, skeptics, 
fools and liars  --
all doomed.

No one will be saved
whether they be
parachute jumpers, poets,
librarians, lawyers.
scuba divers, reporters,
weather forecasters,
innocents, evil-doers.

All will die.
All, save these immortal words.

Dennis E. Noonan

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