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NeverHillary vs NeverTrump

Dorothy Rabinowitz, writes an interesting op-ed essay in today's Wall Street Journal.   "The Hillary-Hatred Derangement Syndrome" compares the compelling arguments between the "anti-" groups.

Ms Rabinowitz is a member of the Journal's editorial board so Clinton haters cannot dismiss her writing as the product of leftist kool-aid drinker mentality.  Her conclusion, surprisingly, is to urge for the election of Mrs. Clinton because "She alone stands between America and the reign of the most unstable, proudly uninformed, psychologically unfit president ever to enter the White House."

Since base supporters on either side are largely deaf to criticism of their chosen candidate, the election will likely be decided by the voters who will hold their noses and then vote for the second-worst-choice.

1 comment:

George W. Potts said...

And, surprisingly, Michael Moore believes that Donard Trump will win. One opinion, including my own, does not decide the race nor cubbyhole the candidate.