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Obnoxious Activists

You probably saw the recent video of protesters following Kyrsten Sinema D AZ into the ladies room to rant about infrastructure and immigration reform.  

I suspect most fair-minded people find this type of harassing behavior to be both  obnoxious and ultimately counter-productive.  These In-your-face tactics have been used before, and are touted as an effective way to get wider media attention.  But not all attention is positive.   

There seems to be a renewed strategy to harass and intimidate public figures.  We've all seen video clips of deranged people disrupting school board meetings over issues such as mask mandates and teaching history of racism.  These are not intelligent debates.  They seem to think that The First Amendment gives them the right to squelch opposing opinions.

 I have no quarrel with protesters waving signs and  chanting on public property (except roadways),  but I decry those zealots who think their cause trumps my right to peace and quiet, or those who think their so called free speech obviates my right to access public buildings or roadways.  This includes peaceful sit-ins, marches and other demonstrations that impede other movements of others.  Go to one of the many public parks, fer chrisakes.


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