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I have to tell you that I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard that the Discovery launch went smoothly. Whenever I talk about my project I have been using disaster metaphors .

Titanic was once my favorite because you could talk about management re-arranging deck chairs, while icy ocean poured into the gaping holes in the hull of the ship..

Then it was Challenger - the doomed space launch where the Managers got everyone focused on Launch and not enough people focused on Stay-in-the-air.

So it was good to think that a project did not necessarily have to be doomed. I was beginning to wonder...

Things are going well at the current hellhole - for me at least. By the way, did I mention that this outfit has not been recognized as one of the 100 best places to work in America? Yah, they barely missed getting on the list - probably because of the physical and emotional abuse which the Managers call "Leadership."
The onus is on the venerable development group to put some lipstick on this pig and try to fool the users with blinking message boxes and quixotic error messages. It will probably work, since the users are dolts of the first order. Otherwise they would have yanked the feeding tube on this pigarama years ago. By the way, remember the old Business School saw about teaching a pig to sing? I heard a new one the other day that resonates: "Do not wrestle with a pig. You will get covered in shit; and the pig Likes it."

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