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Geena Davis Where are You?

Well McCain's new VP nominee is a babe. And someday I think she could be a real contender: she has guts, ethical chops, apparent leadership abilities and she is wonderfully photogenic. I hate her Midwestern schoolmarm voice and her Fargo accent, but she may overcome these annoyances, someday.

This year, McCain needs someone who can step into the job... just in case.

Lets face it, if you were running a dead pool on the nominees, McCain would be everyone's favorite as the candidate most likely to kick the bucket...

After all his gasbagging about experience and readiness to lead, I think McCain 'crapped the rug' with this pick. Apparently, he could not find one honest, experienced republican who he thought was ready to step into the oval office, who was not corrupt or unfaithful to his spouse...

Yes Ms Palin has executive experience - as mother of 5 and 2 years as Gov. (Just like George W. Bush who was Gov. of Texas -Lord knows that experience proved invaluable in the ruination of our economy and world standing during the past 8 yrs.)

A few years ago we watched and enjoyed a TV program called "Commander in Chief" starring Geena Davis as the "token" woman VP who was sworn in when the President unexpectedly dies. The new Commander did pretty well in that role, despite being considered a lightweight by all her detractors.

Let us hope that life does not imitate art, this time.


George W. Potts said...

You say: "the 'token' woman VP who was sworn in when the President unexpectedly dies. The new Commander did pretty well in that role, despite being considered a lightweight by all her detractors.

Let us hope that life does not imitate art, this time."

I don't understand ... do you mean that if McCain/Palin are elected and McCain assumes room temp, that you want Palin to do a rotten job?

DEN said...

At the time I meant that I hoped he was defeated and thus eliminate the possibility of life imitating art.
Since then I have flip-flopped and now I plan to vote for him. I hope he survuves to fulfill his promises.