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Signs That The World Has Gone Mad

1. Judiciary Republicans kill bill blocking gun sales to suspected terrorists.  Check this out  - Reps. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (Wis.) and Louie Gohmert (Texas) — argued that restricting [handgun] sales to people on the FBI Terrorist watch list would violate the Second Amendment rights of those placed on the list by mistake.

2. Ashton Kutcher to replace Charley Sheen on 2.5 Men.  Why would anyone watch Ashton Kutcher?
Dude Where's my barfbag?

3.Mitt Romney hates Obamacare but still defends Romneycare.

4. Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump, Ron Paul.  Ha ha hah ah ha

5.  NATO support for rebels in Lybia.  WTF does NATO stand for?  (If you guessed "selectively helping some rebels overcome a regime we don't like" you are incorrect.)

Shall I go on?

1 comment:

George W. Potts said...

How about supplying Pakistan with drones? See: