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More signs that the world keeps spinning off kilter:

1.  In Toronto, a couple refuses to reveal the gender of their 4 month old baby.  They feel that such info is "private" until such time as the child is old enough to declare their own gender preference. 
The baby, named "Storm" and referred to by the pronoun "it," did not return our calls.

2. Cognitive dissonance.  The recent rampage of killer storms in places like Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas has created terrible destruction, death and injury.  It is always galling when one of the survivors attributes their personal escape from death to "God's grace."   If God was involved at all, didn't he kill a lot of people and animals?  Where was the blessing in that?

3.  When the promised May 21st Rapture did not happen, Harold Camping the nutjob who predicted Armageddon, and who apparently had NOT sold off all his earthly assets, calmly revised the forecast to October 21.  Some people will still believe him, despite every evidence that his reading of the Bible's prophecies is seems flawed.

4.  Coors beer thinks that their customers are so dumb that they need a "cold activation indicator" on the cans and labels of their brew.  Clearly the problem of the ages was that beer guzzlers could not tell when the beer was cold enough to drink.  Perplexed beer hounds roamed the streets of Colorado like zombies chanting "Is my beer cold yet?"

The initial cold indicator has now been supplemented with a Super Cold activation level, which will only turn blue when the can has been in a refrigerator or ice chest.  Whew.  Glad they solved that one!


George W. Potts said...

One wag caller to a local talk show explained that the Rapture did indeed happen ... only no one was called.

Rick B said...

The world may be off kilter, but some things remain constant - another Bulger has been found wanting in the ethics department