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Perfect Iced Tea

People are always asking me how I make such perfect Iced Tea.  It's really easy and quick, and I don't mind sharing the secret.  Here's what you do:

1. Bring 6 cups of water to a boil.  I use a saucepan.
2. Remove from heat and add 7 tea bags*
3. Steep for EXACTLY ten minutes, (Use a timer) stirring the bags around every few minutes to release flavor.
4. When timer dings remove tea bags.
5. Let sit on counter another 30 minutes or so to cool (do not put in fridge or add any ice yet)
6. Pour into container, using funnel  (I use a 59oz plastic juice container), and  add another cup of cold water. This makes a total of 7 cups of ice tea.
Now you can store in fridge until you need it, or leave on counter.

* you can substitute one or two flavored tea bags (lemon, berry, mint, etc) for added zing.

Cloudy tea is caused by cooling the tea too quickly (eg putting it on ice while still hot)
If you have cloudy tea you can fix it by heating it up and then allowing it to cool slowly.  This is why "sun tea" is never cloudy.

For stronger tea, add another teabag or two to but 1 bag per cup seems strong enough to me.

This is so easy and it takes only a few minutes while you are doing other kitchen chores.

Your Welcome

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