All this posturing and drama over the threat of a government shutdown is just plain silly. Didn't voters think they were sending representatives to go down to Washington to keep things running, not to act like a bunch of schoolyard jerks arguing over who is more righteous.
The major parties are so polarized in their positions that they are unable to have a civil discussion. Call me cynical but it seems to me that the best explanation for this intransigence lies in the power of powerful lobbies that have pols in their pockets. Money elects politicians, citizens are just convenient tools, easily manipulated.
Think about it, why doesn't any administration republican or democrat do something about eliminating poverty? Why are our troops in Iraq when we have drug cartels on the border running drugs and poisoning our citizens, ruining people's lives, fostering robberies, kidnapping and general mayhem in our country.
How come banker crooks are allowed to virtually steal money in the form of exhorbitant fees using fine print instead of a gun..
We are headed towards the "Idiocracy" of Mike Judge's nightmare film.
While our leaders bicker over the tax rates of the top two percent of wage earners, the rest of the taxpayers are held hostage.
We currently have no troops in Iraq ... although this might change soon.
Yes, thank you for clarification I should have said Afghanistan where so much of the opium is still produced.
The irony still exists - why are we not able to defend our borders from virtual attacks by drug cartels, Yet committing troops and resources to defending freedom in other places?
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