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Chip Shortage

There is a worldwide shortage of the computer chips that modern vehicles use.  That shortage is causing a backlog, forcing layoffs here and elsewhere.  

The increasing computerization of automobiles has been an un-necessary "advance" if you ask me.  There was a time when I could change my oil or replace a sparkplug.  Now I don't even know where the dipstick is.  I recently had to spend $300 to replace the transmission cooling lines.  Who invented transmission cooling lines?  We never needed that when we had a clutch! 

I have a solution: Make cars simple again.  

My 1957  4 cylinder Volkswagen "Beetle" ran on 36 horsepower and got over 30 miles per gallon,  I didn't have a radio or A/C or even a gas gauge.  It had 4 forward gears and got me where I wanted to go.  

That's all we need folks. We don't need luxury cars or electric vehicles,  or all the stupid stuff that drive the cost of a car beyond affordable  -- or fixable by the local gas pump jockey.   Call me a Luddite!  We are on the wrong road, and our cars have become too big to park and too automated.


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