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Disturbing Distopian Goings-on

 SCOTUS has just chosen not to block an evil law that the Governor of the State of Texas has signed into Law. The law prohibits abortions after the fetus has a detectable heartbeat.  Many proponents of abortion see this as a guaranteed way to kill more young women who are not ready for motherhood. Because abortions will happen whether lawful or not.  And this raises the risk to women's' health. But the god-fearing men of Texas are committed to ending the killing of unborn.   No matter the cost.

Curious, because they seem quite willing to enforce rules that will ensure that more children will die of COVID 19. or malnutrition or the violence of poverty. They hate living, breathing  people who come to the border seeking a better life.  Well I guess the "sanctity of life" is not that important to them, so what is?  

Why this obsession with the rights of the unborn unbreathing insentient potential mouths to feed.

But I am not writing today to argue the abortion question.  Practically no one has changed their mind about abortion.  It is one of those kneejerk positions that separate liberals and moderates from right wing conservatives.  I can understand how horrified the conservatives have been since roe v wade.  Watching the county fall under the spell of guiltless sex and fewer orphanages.

No my truck with this law is how it will be enforced.

The gutless legislators are not responsible for enforcement.  They want citizens to sue people who are in any way involved in abortions.  This is so close to  the techniques of  the Maoist Communists and Taliban to force people to stay in line. Totalitarianism - when the state pays a bounty  citizens to rat on their neighbors, there is no freedoms of speech. 

The Texas Republicans and Governor are un-American, and need to be ousted in the way America knows how.  Vote em out! Recall them. Investigate them.   

We, America,  must be better than this.

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