Well, that shit-show couldn't have gone worse. A weak sounding, scared looking geezer trying to parry the confident, bullshit slinging Trumpster. I was so disheartened that I shut it off after 20 minutes of schoolyard name-calling and went to re-organize my sock drawer.
Thoughts about life and current events from the perspective of a retired guy with too much time on his hands.
Feedback welcome
The So-Called Debate
It's Tuesday, or as I call it "Book Club Day." Book Club as you may remember is the weekly gathering of a select group at an Irish pub (Dunn's) located in Newton Upper Falls. Tuesday afternoon around 4pm is a slow time at the pub, so we get there just as it opens and claim our usual stools. We don't actually talk about a specific book (as is the practice in ladies' book clubs), but we all read books, and if someone is reading a particularly interesting book, they might recommend it to the group. No, the real reason is to engage in sociable quaffing and solving the world's problems.
Well, another Monday. When I was a corporate employee, I never liked Mondays much. Usually, they would start=out with a dry mouth and headache from too many beers on Sunday. Rarely did I look on a new week as a chance to excel, or acheive any long-sought accomplishment. No, it was a return to hum-drum, tedium and some asshole in the corner office wanting to know why my projects were behind schedule. As I think I have mentioned before, I was born (82 years ago this week) without a sense of urgency. (I was reportedly 3 weeks behind the expected due-date, weighing almost 11 pounds at birth. My mother never let me forget that fact,either, especially when I was being a pain in the ass. She would make me sit in a chair and listen to how painful it was to pass a large object through a small opening. This was my penance for my many crimes of smartassery and excessive boyishness.)