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 Well, another Monday.  When I was a corporate employee, I never liked Mondays much.  Usually, they would start=out with a dry mouth and headache from too many beers on Sunday.  Rarely did I look on a new week as a chance to excel, or acheive any long-sought accomplishment.  No, it was a return to hum-drum, tedium and some asshole in the corner office wanting to know why my projects were behind schedule.  As I think I have mentioned before, I was born (82 years ago this week) without a sense of urgency.  (I was reportedly 3 weeks behind the expected due-date, weighing almost 11 pounds at birth.  My mother never let me forget that fact,either, especially when I was being a pain in the ass.  She would make me sit in a chair and listen to how painful it was to pass a large object through a small opening. This was my penance for my many crimes of smartassery and excessive boyishness.)

But I digress:  You would think that being born without a sense of urgency would be a handicap in life, but that is not the case.  Many others, who have a well-developed sense of urgency, are perfectly willing to share their senses of urgency with you.   It doesn't matter that you can't understand why a report needs to be submitted on this Friday instead of, say, Wednesday next week.  The boss wants it on Friday. So...when you come in on Monday --  not having finished the Status Report from last week
He (or she) is all over your ass before you even get a chance to pop down to the company cafeteria for a coffee and jelly donut.   But I shall not belabor the bad associations that I have with Mondays.  For more details you will have to wait until my autobiography is published.  Given my low sense of urgency, you should not hold your breath waiting for it to come out.

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