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Reinstatement Day

 Well here it is: The day that the former president is supposed to be restored to power.  If you are one of those loony tunes denyers, you are probably heading down to DC to be part of the celebration. Maybe storm the Capital again. Oh, wait. They just posted a picture of the growing throng

And This:



 No more store-boughts till after first frost.  

Varmints = 1,  Me: = 7
I've been waiting for these babies to ripen since the plants went into the ground in early May. Now I can pick some fresh basil and slice some fresh mozzerella to make a delicious homegrown caprese salad.

Last year, I had a lot of throwaways because of rodents (Squirrels and chippies) taking a bite and leaving them. I have started rubbing the green globes with wet coffee grounds and so far have not seen the same predation by varmints.

Also am spraying with BT which is an organic compound that kills caterpillars if they nibble on sprayed plants. (Pain in the neck because you have to spray after every rain.)


Acting Mayor of Boston, Kim Janey, has defended her position NOT to enforce proof of vaccination (or negative COVID test) for people attending functions and going to restaurants. She bases her opinion on the fact that more than 50% of residents -- many of whom are minorities -- have not been vaccinated, and it would be unfair to exclude them.

Wait. Is it racist to say that I do not want to risk going into any public space where there are a lot of unvaccinated/untested people -- regardless of their social status, gender or nationality?

Science says the unvaxed are the most likely spreaders of Virus. A reasonable and fair person might conclude that those who refuse to get the jab have chosen to forfeit their right to sit next to me in church*, at the bar or theater or subway. It has nothing to do with equity.

Show us your proof!

Vaccine shaming does not work. Public pleas do not work. Knocking on doors and being nice does not work. It is time to give-up attempts to persuede the hard-headed to get the jab so their family and friends will be protected, What will work is isolating those refusniks so they cannot infect others.

We make kids get vaccinated before they can attend public school. We can do the same with adults at Gyms, Restaurants, Concerts, Rallies, Bowling Allies, Swimming Pools and Cornhole Tournaments.

*Don't laugh, I might be attending a funderal or wedding.

Irony, Sarcasm and Ink

I received an email from HP thanking me for using the HP Store to buy something and urging me to review the product --which was a yellow ink cartridge replacement for my printer.

Usually I ignore such silly requests to "share my experience," but I was feeling sarcastic so I racked my brain to find a truthful statement that I could make.  Finally I came up with:

4 out of 5 stars.

It fit the slot perfectly

I took it out of the package and inserted it into the yellow slot. It Fit! The official ink cartridges are too expensive but I had no choice, of course.

The editing board may have been counting stars rather than looking at content, so they published it on their website.  Looking further, I noted that I was not alone in mocking the review process:

5 out of 5 stars.

It's Yellow1

I'm so happy that when I opened the package the ink was indeed yellow! Why am I being asked to review an ink cartridge?

5 out of 5 stars.

It works

What can I say? It is an ink cartridge, and it works.

More enlightening was the number of reviewers extolling the benefits of buying overpriced ink cartridges ($35 each)

Funny World we live in.  Not ha-ha funny; more peculiar funny.